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The Autism Research and Support Foundation (I/N: 405079640) was established in 2015 by parents of children with autism spectrum disorders. The Foundation is a non-profit, non-governmental charity organization. Its income derives from donations and funds raised through various charitable activities organized by the foundation.

Key Achievements and Initiatives:

2010: Foundation members initiated the establishment of the first Autism Center in Georgia and later the Child Development Institute at Tbilisi Ilia State University.

Regional Support: The foundation has supported the establishment of Regional Autism Centers across the country.

National Programs: The foundation initiated and engaged in establishing the first national governmental program for children with autism spectrum disorder (ages 2-16 years).

International Collaboration: Organized several international training sessions and schools for students and experts, led by renowned international psychologists.

Annual Charity Events: Conducts annual charity actions for Autism Awareness Day (April 2), including exhibitions and concerts featuring world-famous opera and pop singers.

Social Campaigns: Initiatives like #Iamhear (sticker campaign, chocolate action, and bags promotion) to raise awareness and support for autism.

Exhibition-sales of books and works of art: Various campaigns to generate awareness and funds.

Current Major Project: National Autism Center of Georgia

In Georgia, there are still no governmental programs for adults with autism. To fill this gap, the Foundation is implementing an ambitious project: the construction of the National Autism Center of Georgia in the suburbs of Tbilisi. This complex will serve as a training and employment center for teenagers and adults with autism spectrum disorders and will include: A 24-hour monitoring center; Various social enterprises; A Day Center with training, sports, and recreation zones.

This center will be the first of its kind in Georgia and the region (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Russia, and Turkey). Currently, four cottages of the future Center have already been built, with the construction of the fifth one set to be completed by September 2024.

Our bank accounts:
1. GE58TB7221536080100003 (JSC TBC Bank, SWIFT: TBCBGE22)
2. GE71BG0000000563860532 (Bank of Georgia, SWIFT: BAGAGE22)