Survey of access to health services for people with autism during the COVID-19 pandemic
Survey of access to health services for people with autism during the COVID-19 pandemic
With the support of EWMI ACCESS, the Board of Independent Education Consultants, in partnership with Pineo Medical Center, is implementing a project to increase access to health care for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and to create an inclusive pilot model of medical services during the COVID-19 pandemic.
During a pandemic, communication difficulties characteristic of people with ASD, increased sensory sensitivity, unacceptability of unfamiliar environments and procedures, make their testing, medical care, hospitalization and even quarantine a particular challenge.
According to a study by the Board of Independent Education Consultants, medical regulations in Georgia do not provide for the multidisciplinary and consistent approaches needed to diagnose and treat COVID-19 patients with ASD.
The organization also interviewed ASA caregivers and medical staff in 4 regions (Tbilisi, Gori, Zugdidi and Adjara) to fully identify the barriers that people with ASD face when receiving medical care during a pandemic.
The research report can be found on the following link.
Based on the results of the research, the authors of the project, together with other stakeholders, will work to create and implement an inclusive pilot model of medical services for people with ASD.