Charity concert dedicated to Autism Day in Rustaveli Theater
Charity concert dedicated to Autism Day in Rustaveli Theater
The United Nations General Assembly declared April 2 as the International Autism Awareness Day on December 18, 2007. Autism belongs to the group of neurodevelopmental diseases and is characterized by difficulties in social relations, communication and behavior. It is equally common among people of all races, ethnicities, religious beliefs, and socioeconomic status. There are no exact statistics of autistics in Georgia, however, according to the World Health Organization, about 1 in 100 children has autism.
On April 1, 2024, at 21.00, organized by our foundation, a big charity concert dedicated to the International Autism Awareness Day vas held at the Rustaveli National Theater.
The evening featured the performance of the Georgian-Swiss musician KORDZ (Alexandre Kordzaia), who is known for his experiments combining classical music with electronic music. He was be joined by the Gori women’s chamber choir led by Teona Tsyramua, violinists Elene Gogodze, Cecilia Saneblidze and Milena Jalalbekova, cellist Yako Kvaliashvili, as well as special guests.
All proceeds from the concert will be used to build a rehabilitation center for people with autism spectrum disorder, where children and adults will be helped to realize themselves and integrate into society.